1. Monitor
- We monitor several weather stations.
- Realtime weather conditions.
2. Detect
- Analyze data in realtime
- Detect high speed winds.
3. Inform
- Instant Text Message | Mobile Notfication
- Detailied alert information
- Sent to your phone

Windy Lookout analyzes and processes many current wind conditions beyond the perimeter of the lake to give users an early alert should a dangerous wind arise. We process this information in real-time to give users an alert allowing them to make the necessary decisions to stay safe in the minutes before the wind hits.
Windy Lookout has divided its area of coverage into zones. Alerts are sent out for each zone independently. Once a zone is set to an active alert, it will remain on active alert until wind speeds and gusts have dropped below the selected threshold for at least 2 hours.
Alerts are sent out any time wind speeds, or gusts are above a selected threshold. Multiple alerts will not be sent out if a zone is already on active alert. Alerts are sent out in 2 ways:

SMS- Text Message
For users that have Text Notifications enabled, a text message will be sent out every time a dangerous wind is detected. You can configure this feature on the “Map” page of the app.

Mobile Notification
Mobile Notifications will be sent out to all users who are currently subscribed to receive mobile notifications on the app. You can subscribe and unsubscribe on the “Map” page of the app.
Users may test mobile notifications on the “Account” page to ensure their phone isn’t silenced and their volume is loud enough to alert them.