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  • Windy Lookout App
  • Get Windy Lookout as a PWA.
  • Follow the 3 steps below for your browser to install Windy Lookout

Frequently Asked Questions

PWA is a progressive web app. It is a website that looks and behaves as if it is a mobile app. This means users can access all information and capabilities without downloading a mobile app.
While Windy Lookout is currently on the App Store and Google Play store it will be removed and become deprecated in the near future. The PWA version of Windy Lookout is the preferred way to access Windy Lookout.
Push notifications and text messages work the same way as before. You can still manage your subscriptions on the app.
Windy Lookout as a PWA is a better experience for users. It is faster, more reliable, and easier to use. It also allows us to focus on one code base instead of two. It also keeps costs down allowing us to operate Windy Lookout at a lower cost.
Yes, alerts work the same way as before. You can still manage your alerts on the app. The app will ask for permission to send you push notifications. You must allow push notifications to receive push notifications.